
This website has been developed in the frame of the project “The Future of International Protection in the EU+ in the Next 10 Years”. It describes the development of four different scenarios presenting alternative possible futures for international protection in the EU+. These scenarios were developed through a multi-phase process integrating expert advice on a number of factors.

Scenarios are narrative representations of possible futures, but they are not meant to be accurate predictions of what will happen. Rather, these scenarios are written to help readers explore plausible and coherent images of the future in order to reflect upon our present actions and decisions as well as to develop a more anticipatory approach.

The output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Union Agency for Asylum. Neither the European Union Agency for Asylum nor any person acting on behalf of the European Union Agency for Asylum is responsible for the use that might be made of this website or publications presented in it.

The images used for the scenario personas are not real people. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Copyright © European Union Agency for Asylum (for the entire content of this website unless otherwise stated). Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the EUAA copyright, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders.